Survey Analysis Redefined

Find insights and groups in your responses like never before, with the world's first AI-powered survey analysis engine.

The power of Prisma AI

CrowdPrisma turns qualitative free-text into quantitative insights,
while saving you days of work and thousands of dollars!

AI TextEngine

AI TextEngine

The CrowdPrisma TextEngine can read through thousands of free-text responses in minutes and group them into coherent themes and topics automatically. Just as a prism will separate white light into its constituent colors, our Prisma TextEngine will automatically map free-text responses into groups of respondents who think alike.

Powered by the latest state of the art Large Language Models (LLMs) and leveraging years of topic modelling research, our TextEngine is truly one of a kind.

It understands most languages, even if your responses come from a mix of them and will synthesize topics from them in English. It will also provide you with precise quotes for topic assignments and a robust sentiment classification for each response.

Infectious interactivity

If you ever wanted to dig deep into your survey data and define subgroups with ease, then you will absolutely love the Prisma Dashboard. It was designed to be highly interactive, allowing you to quickly define any imaginable subgroup and see how they differ from the rest of your cohort.

It will also automatically detect the question types of your survey, including categorical, multiple-choice, numeric, date and free-text. These will be then visualized in an engaging yet precise way, while allowing you to apply as many filters and selections to these charts as you would like.

Combined with the AI TextEngine, they create a formidable analysis platform. You will be able to find any group of respondents in minutes, and through their analyzed free-text responses, immediately understand how they think and feel.

Interactive dashboard


Prisma Dashboard

Auto-generated, highly-interactive dashboard, allowing you to drill down and find any imaginable subgroup.


AI powered compression of all your survey data into a single scatter plot, allowing you to reason holistically.


Automatic discovery of distinct groups of respondents who think alike.

AI TextEngine

State of the art Large Language Model that finds themes and topics in your free-text responses.

Multilingual support

Your free-text responses can come from any language, yet our topics remain in English.

Fair billing

Your unused monthly quota is always rolled forward, so you never lose out on what you paid for.