• Features

  • CrowdPrisma is the world's first AI-powered survey analysis engine.
    For the first time, you can analyse free-text responses meaningfully and do it in a blink of an eye!
Prisma Dashboard

Prisma Dashboard

At the heart of CrowdPrisma is the Prisma Dashboard. It is a highly interactive and engaging dashboard that visualizes your survey in a way that is easy to understand and act upon.

It is auto-generated from your survey data by recognizing each question type and visualizing it in the most appropriate way. CrowdPrisma handles categorical, multiple choice, numeric, date, and (most importantly) free-text responses.

Best of all, you can compare any imaginable subgroups, by simply clicking on any of the charts and applying as many filters as you like.

GroupFinder & Autopilot

Use the GroupFinder to reason about your user groups holistically, across all their answers. This is made possible by compressing all your survey data into a scatter plot, where each dot represents a participant. The closer two dots are, the more similar the two participants are across all their answers.

You can color the participants by their answers to any of your survey's questions and see how that maps onto this two dimensional map of your cohort. Even better, by drawing any arbitrary selection on the GroupFinder plot, you can instantly define subgroups of participants and see all their responses.

If that wasn't enough, CrowdPrisma's AI-driven Autopilot will automatically find subgroups in your data who think alike, and do this across all question types, even free-text responses.

AI TextEngine

AI TextEngine

CrowdPrisma's TextEngine is an unparalleled AI system, because it is built on state of the art Large Language Models (LLMs) and years of research into topic modelling. It is designed to automatically find coherent themes and topics in free-text responses, summarize them succinctly, and assign responses to them by extracting relevant, supporting quotes. Thereby it turns qualitative free-text into quantitative insights.

Parlez-vous français? ¿Hablas español?

Our TextEngine can understand almost any language and will auto-detect the sentiment of your responses too.


Hailed as the ultimate time-saver, the ExecSummary is a one-page summary of your survey results that describes the user groups discovered by Autopilot and the most important questions, answers, and topics that define them.

The ExecSummary is designed to be shared with stakeholders who may not have the time to delve into the details, yet need to understand the key insights from your survey. We are currently working with a select group of Pro tier customers to refine this feature and make it perfect for all Pro users.

Fair billing

Fair billing

We are committed to fair billing and believe that you should only pay for what you use. This is why we measure your free-text usage precisely, by word count. Equally importantly, we roll any unused quota from previous months forward, to ensure that you never lose out on what you paid for.

We are also committed to transparency. You can see your usage at any time under your profile. Furthermore, we will tell you exactly and in advance how many words a new survey analysis will take up from your quota.

Finally, if you ever run out of your quota during the month, you can easily top up using one of our packages.