
Working at the Big Four




Themes & topics
Theme & topic descriptions
A | Professional Growth and Development Opportunities for professional growth, including career advancement, learning resources, and support for early career development.
1 | Professional development Opportunities for learning and growth while working with knowledgeable colleagues.
2 | Career development Opportunities for professional growth and advancement.
3 | Learning opportunities The availability and quality of educational and training resources.
4 | Entry-level opportunities The availability of positions for recent graduates and the supportive environment for early career development.
B | Workplace Culture and Employee Support The positive aspects of the work environment and culture, emphasizing teamwork, supportive community, and the overall atmosphere within the organization.
5 | Company Culture The overall atmosphere and values within the organization, including friendliness and inclusivity.
6 | Supportive community The sense of family and mutual assistance among colleagues.
7 | Work Environment Positive aspects of the workplace, including interesting projects and clients.
8 | Work culture The positive aspects of the work environment and culture.
C | Employee Well-being and Work-Life Balance The balance between professional responsibilities and personal life, including work/life balance, flexibility in work hours, and the company's pandemic response.
9 | Work/life balance The balance between professional responsibilities and personal life.
10 | Flexibility in Work Hours The ability to adjust working hours to meet personal needs while achieving results.
D | Collaboration and Inclusivity The emphasis on a diverse and inclusive workforce, knowledge sharing, and the importance of interpersonal relationships among colleagues.
11 | Collaboration The emphasis on teamwork and cooperative work culture.
12 | Diversity and Inclusion The importance of having a diverse workforce and inclusive practices within the organization.
13 | Positive relationships The importance of interpersonal connections and camaraderie among colleagues.
E | Employee Engagement and Project Challenges The level of involvement and enthusiasm employees have towards their work, including engagement in demanding projects and merit-based recognition.
14 | Employee Engagement The level of involvement and enthusiasm employees have towards their work and the organization.
15 | Challenging projects Engagement in demanding projects that foster teamwork.
F | Leadership and Management Quality The effectiveness and attitude of management towards staff, including the quality of management, employee consideration, and mentorship support.
16 | Management quality The effectiveness and attitude of management towards staff.
17 | Employee consideration The level of care and consideration shown towards employees.
18 | Mentorship and Support Availability of guidance and support from experienced colleagues.
G | Global Career Opportunities The availability of international career prospects and experiences in a multinational environment.
19 | Multinational environment The benefits of working in a large, multinational company with a supportive atmosphere.
20 | Global opportunities The availability of international career prospects and experiences.
H | Networking and Social Activities Opportunities for building professional connections, socializing with peers, and engaging in team events and activities.
21 | Social opportunities Possibilities for socializing and networking with peers.
22 | Networking Opportunities Possibilities for building professional connections and relationships within the industry.
I | Other topics Topics which could not be grouped into themes.
23 | Office facilities The quality of office environment and facilities provided.
24 | Client Management Skills The development of skills related to managing client relationships and understanding business operations.
25 | Compensation and benefits Positive aspects related to salary and benefits offered to employees.

Data table