
EU climate target for 2040




Themes & topics
Theme & topic descriptions
A | Climate Policy Communication and Public Engagement The need for effective communication strategies to enhance public understanding and engagement with EU climate policies, addressing concerns and skepticism about their effectiveness and motivations.
1 | Public Perception of Climate Policies Concerns and skepticism regarding the effectiveness and motivations behind EU climate policies and targets.
2 | Communication and Awareness The need for improved communication strategies regarding EU climate policies and decisions to enhance public understanding and engagement.
B | Climate Change Mitigation and Carbon Management The urgent need for measures to combat climate change, including emission reductions, carbon budget distribution, and the balance between carbon removal and emission reduction strategies.
3 | Carbon Removal vs. Emission Reduction The distinction between carbon removal strategies and actual emission reductions, emphasizing the need for both in climate policy.
4 | Climate Action Urgency The immediate need for drastic measures to combat climate change and achieve ambitious climate goals, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
5 | Equitable Carbon Budget Distribution The importance of fair distribution of the remaining global carbon budget among countries, particularly considering historical emissions and development needs.
C | Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Climate Ne… The transition towards sustainable and climate-neutral agricultural practices, emphasizing energy efficiency, renewable energy use, and the role of peatlands in carbon sequestration.
6 | Sustainable Agriculture Practices The role of sustainable practices in agriculture, including the importance of peatlands and their contribution to carbon sequestration.
7 | Climate Neutrality in Agriculture The transition towards climate-neutral agricultural practices, focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy use in greenhouse farming.
D | Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Modernization The importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources, modernizing energy infrastructure, and focusing on energy efficiency to support decarbonization.
8 | Energy Infrastructure Modernization The importance of modernizing and establishing innovative electricity grid infrastructure to support the transition to decarbonization.
9 | Sustainable Energy Transition The importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources and the challenges associated with current energy policies and practices.
10 | Energy Efficiency and Conservation The emphasis on energy efficiency as a critical component of the transition to renewable energy sources.
E | Equity and Justice in Climate Policy The necessity of integrating equity and justice principles in climate policy, considering historical emissions, development needs, and the vulnerabilities of different populations.
11 | Equity in Climate Policy The necessity of considering equity principles in climate policy, including historical responsibility and capacity for mitigation.
12 | Climate Justice The need for equitable solutions to climate change that consider the vulnerabilities of different populations and regions, particularly those most affected by climate impacts.
F | Investment and Innovation in Green Technologies The critical need for increased investment in green technologies and the development of new, affordable technologies to support climate goals without imposing undue burdens.
13 | Investment in Green Technologies The critical need for increased investment in the development of green technologies and renewable energy solutions to achieve climate goals.
14 | Technological Innovation for Sustainability The need for new technologies that are desirable, beneficial, and affordable for individuals to support climate goals without imposing undue burdens.
G | Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration The importance of maintaining ecosystem integrity, protecting forest ecosystems, and restoring degraded natural areas to avoid further environmental degradation.
15 | Nature Restoration and Conservation The necessity for strict protection of valuable natural areas and initiatives for the restoration of degraded ecosystems.
16 | Forest Ecosystem Protection The importance of protecting and restoring forest ecosystems for climate mitigation and adaptation.
17 | Importance of Forest Conservation The significance of forest preservation for climate and biodiversity, and the need for EU support in protecting valuable forests.
18 | Ecosystem Integrity The importance of maintaining and protecting ecosystems while implementing climate solutions to avoid further environmental degradation.
H | Resource Management and Waste Reduction The importance of managing resources efficiently, focusing on waste reduction, sustainable product design, and preventing waste to ensure sustainability.
19 | Resource Management and Efficiency The importance of managing resources wisely and efficiently to avoid waste and ensure sustainability in energy production and consumption.
20 | Waste Management and Prevention The importance of focusing on waste reduction and sustainable product design to minimize environmental impact.
I | Climate Policy Economic and Social Considerations The need for climate policies to be economically viable, consider corporate responsibility, and support a just transition with skills development for the workforce.
21 | Just Transition and Skills Development The need for binding policies to reskill and upskill the workforce for a green transition, ensuring that no one is left behind.
22 | Economic Viability of Climate Policies The need for climate policies to be economically viable and not detrimental to industry competitiveness.
23 | Corporate Responsibility in Environmental Impact The need for corporations to be accountable for their environmental practices and the consequences of their operations on climate change.
J | Local and Global Climate Action Collaboration The need for the EU to engage with global partners and empower local and regional governments in climate action to address climate change effectively.
24 | Global cooperation on climate action The need for the EU to engage with global partners to address climate change effectively.
25 | Local and Regional Government Role The importance of local and regional governments in climate action and their need for supportive frameworks from the EU.
K | Environmental Education and Youth Engagement The importance of educating children on environmental respect and considering the perspectives of younger generations in climate policies and sustainable practices.
26 | Education on Environmental Respect The importance of instilling respect for the environment in children from a young age through education.
27 | Youth Perspectives on Climate Action The views and desires of younger generations regarding climate policies and sustainable practices.
L | Climate Policy and Scientific Rigor The integration of scientific consensus and ambitious targets into climate policy making to ensure effective action against global warming.
28 | Climate Target Ambition The need for credible and ambitious climate targets that are science-based and aligned with global warming limits.
29 | Scientific Consensus and Policy Making The necessity for climate policies to be based on rigorous scientific research and consensus to ensure effective action against climate change.
M | Local Agriculture and Food System Sustainability Supporting local agriculture for self-sufficiency and transforming the food system to promote sustainability and reduce climate impact.
30 | Support for local agriculture and self-sufficiency Emphasis on the importance of supporting local farmers and reducing dependency on imported goods.
31 | Food System Transformation The need for a significant change in the food system to address climate change and promote sustainable diets.
N | Climate Change Health and Environmental Impacts The health impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations and the environmental consequences of energy sources like biomass and wind projects.
32 | Health Impacts of Climate Change The effects of climate change on public health, particularly for vulnerable populations with respiratory diseases.
33 | Impact of Biomass Energy Concerns regarding the environmental impact of burning woody biomass for energy and its implications for carbon neutrality and biodiversity.
34 | Impact of Wind Energy Projects Concerns about the negative effects of wind energy projects on healthy ecosystems and human rights.
O | Climate Change Skepticism and Emission Control Addressing skepticism towards climate science while emphasizing the need for immediate emission control measures.
35 | Skepticism towards Climate Science Doubts about the scientific basis of climate change and the validity of climate models.
36 | Immediate Emission Control Measures Calls for urgent actions to control greenhouse gas emissions, including strict regulations and penalties for polluters.
P | Innovative Transportation and Carbon Footprint Cr… The advancement of transportation innovation in tandem with a critical examination of carbon footprint measurements.
37 | Transportation Innovation The need for advancements in transportation methods to reduce environmental impact and improve efficiency.
38 | Critique of carbon footprint measurements Concerns regarding the validity and relevance of carbon footprint assessments in the context of natural cycles.
Q | Other topics Topics which could not be grouped into themes.
39 | Sustainable practices in industry The importance of developing sustainable products and practices within industries to combat climate change.

Data table